Introduction to the basics of the kintsugi technique

kintsugi reihe

Exclusive individual and partner day seminars

The aim of the course is to deal with the key aspects of Kintsugi. Materials, equipment, devices and tools that are used are presented in a theoretical introduction. Practical demonstrations follow. Production of Urushi adhesives for porous ceramics and porcelain / stoneware; Gluing fragments; Completion of missing areas; Preparation and implementation of the gold scatter technique.
Following the demonstrations, the seminar participants will have the opportunity to bond ceramics themselves and to apply the gold scattering technique, using quick-drying substitute materials and bronze powder.

  • Introductory lecture

  • Making URUSHI adhesives for porous ceramics and porcelain / stoneware

  • Bonding of fragments

  • Cleaning of bonding seams

  • Completion of defective areas

  • Grinding of the additions and application of intermediate lacquer

  • Preparation and execution of the sprinkling gold technique

For more information please contact us by email

Training location

Schulungswerkstatt für Restaurierung
Stefan Drescher,
Querstr. 1,
Ortsteil Niederjahna bei Meißen,
01665 Käbschütztal / Germany


Dipl.-Ing.(FH) Restaurator Stefan Drescher
Free lecturer and author
over 40 years of professional experience
Technology of pottery and restoration